Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Sejarah Kompleks Kampung Code Code’s history

The early civilisation of people live in Code
The village thats located near the Code River is as known as Gondolayu.In javanesse language Gondo means aroma and Layu or lelayu means death,firstly it was form as house yard made from used boxes,sacks and used plastic.

The starter was the incoming from Romo Mangun.he started building code with repairing the live standards of the society in the form of comprehensive works,comprehensive repairment of society and comprehensive works of envronment

Code hit by great flood until the local government planned to make near area of Code river become the Green Belt area

The government planned to remove away Code village and then Romo Mangun and Code’s society did resistence against that policy.

Y.B Mangunwijaya repaired society’s region with his ability of architecture,could change Code became exotic village.

Romo Mangun got the achievement for international architecture which is Aga Khan Award for Architecture.Because of his works for architectural concepts that was succed aimed for the needs of the society and people’s aspiration im many contemporary design subjects,social housing,development and empowerment for the society.

In february 1991,Romo Mangun passed away.He passed away when he was taking his break time in simposium occasion/at that time he was talking with Mohammad Sobari,suddenly his body was getting heavier and fell.
Eventough Mangunwijaya has passed away,his humanitarian spirit would never be gone from the history of Code village.This is a monument that marked his humanitarian inheritence.
Diposkan oleh wisata code di 09:21 0 komentar 

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